Class Descriptions

This page is your location for learning more about each class we offer.  Rates, class times, class descriptions, and more are available here.  Can't find your answer here?  Please check our FAQ's, and feel free to contact us with any unanswered questions.
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Boone's Tunes Discounts:
Early Bird Discount (Musikgarten classes only): Pay for the semester by September 1st or February 1st to receive half-price materials!
Family DiscountsAdditional siblings enrolled in group or private lessons receive a 20% tuition discount.  Additional siblings in Musikgarten early-childhood classes are half-price. Only the first child in each family is charged at full tuition.
Prorated Rates:  Session rates will be prorated for students who enroll after the classes have started.  Late registration is dependent upon class enrollment and may not be available for all classes.

Thank you for your interest in Boone's Tunes of Delmarva! 
We hope to see you soon!

Family Music for Babies (Newborn-16 months)
30-45 min per week for 14 weeks

All babies are born with an aptitude for music, but research shows that their aptitude diminishes if it is not nurtured. The best way to nurture a child's musical aptitude is through active music making. By singing and dancing for and with our children in a variety of tonalities, meters, and styles we are helping our children reach their full potential.

This class offers adults the opportunity to play with their babies in a musical setting, experiencing parent/child and community bonding activities designed to delight the child and awaken his or her curiosity about music. By singing, dancing, bouncing, and rocking, the child's musical aptitude is being carefully nurtured, laying the foundation for beat awareness, vocal production, and aural discrimination.

Activities include singing, bouncing songs, rocking songs, dances, finger plays, body awareness games, instrumental exploration, and echoes.  Two full semesters are offered in addition to an 8-week summer class, each with a separate take-home kit full of new songs.

Class tuition includes 12 weeks of class, 2 make-up/free classes, parent book, music tracks, and take-home baby instruments in a cloth bag. 

Maximum class size: 8 babies with accompanying adults
Additional siblings receive half-price tuition.
Families paying cash or check by February 1st receive the Early Bird price.

Winter/Spring 2025 Class Times:
Please contact us to join the waiting list for new class times.

Materials:$48; Returning Students $38
Total:$168; Sibling $84; Returning Students $158

Family Music for Toddlers: Play With Me (15 months-3 years)
30-45 min. per week for 14 weeks
This class is designed to bring the joy of music and movement to toddlers and their caregivers. 

Activities include singing, movement, focused listening, pattern play, and simple instrument playing. These activities nurture the child's musical aptitude, develop concentration skills, and create positive social interaction. 

Class tuition includes 12 weeks of class, 2 make-up classes, music tracks, parent book, and an instrument or scarf.  Four separate semesters are available on a rotating schedule: "Sing With Me," "Play With Me," "Clap With Me," and "Dance With Me."

Maximum class size: 8 toddlers with accompanying adults
Additional siblings receive half-price tuition (no charge for siblings under 12 months).
Families paying cash or check by February 1st receive the Early Bird price.

Winter/Spring 2025 Class Times:
Salisbury: Thursdays 10:00 a.m. starting 2/20/25--2 slots available
Berlin: Fridays 10:00 a.m. starting 2/21/25--3 slots available
Total:$162; Sibling $81; Early Bird $141

Preparing for Piano: Cycle of Seasons (3-4 years)
45-50 min. per week for 14 weeks
This class is designed to nurture the emergent independence of the 3- and 4-year-old.  While the class stands alone as a fun and educational experience, it is also designed to give students a solid background that will prepare them for success in future musical studies.

Activities include singing, chants and rhymes, listening games, patterns to echo, instrumental play, and movement games, all of which nurture the child's musical development while satisfying the child's need to learn in a holistic environment. Lessons are themed around nature and the seasons.  

Parents stay for the class, although some of the activities are designed to have the children participate independently of their parents.

Class tuition includes 14 weeks of class, 2 make-up/free classes, music tracks, parent book, animal cards, and cloth pouch.  Two separate semesters are offered: Wind Dancers (Fall/Winter) & Sun Catchers (Winter/Spring).

Maximum class size: 8 students (with accompanying adults)
Additional siblings receive half-price tuition (siblings under 12 months are free).
Families paying cash or check by February 1st receive the Early Bird price.

Winter/Spring 2025 Class Times:
Salisbury: Thursdays 9:00 a.m. starting 2/20/25--3 slots available
Berlin Early 3's: Fridays 9:00 a.m. starting 2/21/25--2 slots available
Berlin Late 3's-4's: Fridays 11:00 a.m. starting 2/21/25--4 slots available
Total:$194; Sibling $97; Early Bird $169

Pre-Piano: Music Makers At Home (4-5 years)
60 min. per week for 14 weeks
This class cultivates the child's musical development through songs, tonal and rhythm patterns, poetry and stories, movement activities, listening games, instrumental play, and hands-on games. Rudimentary music skills such as pitch matching, beat competency, ensemble development, and music notation are dealt with using themes taken from the child's home environment and natural surroundings.  While the class stands alone as a fun and educational experience, it is also carefully designed to build the foundation needed for success in future musical studies.  

Students attend the first 50 minutes each week independently, with adults and siblings joining for the last 10 minutes. 

Class tuition includes 12 weeks of class, 2 make-up/free classes, two folders with music tracks, game pieces, notation games, instrument pages, and two parent books. Two sequenced semesters are offered: Home & Woodlands and Marsh & Meadow.

Maximum class size: 8 students
Additional siblings ages 4-6 receive half-price tuition (older and younger siblings attend family closing time for free).
Families paying cash or check by February 1st receive the Early Bird price.

Winter/Spring 2025 Class Times:
Salisbury: Thursdays 5:00 p.m. starting 2/13/25-5 slots available
Berlin: Fridays 1:15 p.m. starting 2/14/25--6  slots available
Total:$236; Sibling $118; Early-Bird: $208

Kinderpiano: Around the World at the Keyboard (5-6 years)
45 min. per week for 32 or 36 weeks
This 60-minute class is for kids ages 5-6 who wish to begin their piano studies with a minimum of frustration for students and parents alike!  Pacing of skills moves more slowly than the other piano classes, giving children a chance to allow their hand-eye coordination to catch up to their musical ear.  Plenty of movement and theme-related stories are included for young children who are not inclined to sit on a piano bench for a whole lesson! 
Students attend the first 40 minutes independently, with parents and siblings joining during the last 5 minutes each week (45 minutes total).

Students complete four units, each featuring music from a particular culture (British Isles, American Indian, Germany, and African-American).  In the summer, they complete the 5-week course, Introduction to Piano.  

Yearly tuition of $1,050 ($1,500 in Berlin) includes 36 lessons (32 lessons if making eight payments). Up to 5 make-up lessons are available upon request ONLY if you have given 24 hours' advance notice of your absence. Tuition fee includes all materials (books, folders, games, and music tracks distributed at appropriate times throughout the year) and participation in the Spring Recital.  

Payment options:
One Payment (check or cash only)--pay the whole year in advance by 9/1 and receive 5% of total tuition as a materials credit
Four Payments--make four payments of $263 (or $375 in Berlin) due 8/15, 11/15, 2/15, & 5/15
Eight Payments--make eight payments of $119 (or $169 in Berlin) due the first class of each month September-April

Maximum class size: 4 students

*Additional siblings receive a 20% tuition discount (older and younger siblings attend family closing time for free).  
*Lessons in Berlin are an additional $12.50 per week.
2024-2025 Class Times:
Berlin: Tuesdays 5:15 p.m.--2 prorated slots available
Salisbury: We may not have room on the schedule for this class this school year; please see our Pre-Piano classes or contact us to join the waiting list.
Tuition:$900 or $1,350 per year*
Total:Varies by location and payment option

Music Makers: At the Piano Year 1 (6-9 years)
60 min. per week for 32 or 36 weeks

This class teaches children to play piano in two key ways: through reading music AND by ear.  Using songs and activities from a variety of cultures, meters, and tonalities, young pianists learn to become well-rounded musicians.  In addition to piano playing, activities such as drumming, singing, composing, ensemble playing, expressive movement, group games, and improvisation enrich the musical experience and increase each child's aptitude.  The group nature of the class allows the child to gain an awareness of the social nature of music-making, which helps them succeed as future band, ensemble, and/or chorus members.

Students attend the first 50 minutes independently, with parents and siblings joining during the last 10 minutes each week.  Partner classes with only two students will meet for 45 minutes (40 minutes independenlty, 5 minutes with parents. Yearly tuition of $1,410 ($1,860 in Berlin) includes 36 lessons (32 lessons if making 8 payments), which are held weekly during the school year with eligible make-up lessons completed in the summer on a flexible schedule. Up to 5 make-up lessons are available upon request ONLY with 24 hours' advance notice of your absence.  Tuition fee includes all materials (books, games, and music tracks distributed at appropriate times throughout the year) plus participation in the Costume, Holiday, & Spring Recitals.

Maximum class size: 4 students

Payment options:

One Payment (check or cash only)--pay the whole year in advance by 9/1 and receive 5% of total tuition as a materials credit
Four Payments--make four payments of $353 (or $465 in Berlin) due 8/15, 11/15, 2/15, & 5/15 
Eight Payments--make eight payments of $159 (or $209 in Berlin) due the first class of each month September-April

*Additional siblings receive a 20% tuition discount (older and younger siblings attend family closing time for free).  
*Lessons in Berlin are an additional $12.50 per lesson.

2024-2025 Class Times: 
It is too late to join this class this school year; please see our Kinderpiano class or contact us to join the waiting list for 2025-2026.
Tuition:$1,260 or $1,710 per year
Materials:$150 (includes Recital fees)
Total:Varies by location and payment option

Music Makers: At the Piano Year 2 (Graduate of Piano 1)
60 min. per week; 36 weeks per year
This class continues in the format of the first year (see Year 1 page for details).  Students add more ensemble work, learn to recognize new and more complicated rhythmic and tonal patterns (both by ear and in notation), learn to transpose to even more key signatures, play more pieces with two hands, step up their composing and improvising skills, and greatly expand their sight-reading ability.  Pieces in the students' repertoire include traditional folk songs from various cultures, well-loved classical tunes, and optional holiday recital songs. 

Students attend the first 50 minutes independently, with parents and siblings joining during the last 10 minutes each week. 

Yearly tuition of $1,410 ($1,860 in Berlin) includes 36 lessons (32 lessons if making 8 payments), which are held weekly during the school year with eligible make-up lessons completed in the summer on a flexible schedule. Up to 5 make-up lessons are available upon request ONLY with 24 hours' advance notice of your absence.  Tuition fee includes all materials (books, games, and music tracks distributed at appropriate times throughout the year) plus participation in the Costume, Holiday, & Spring Recitals.

Maximum class size: 4 students

Payment options:

One Payment (check or cash only)--pay the whole year in advance by 9/1 and receive 5% of total tuition as a materials credit
Four Payments--make four payments of $353 (or $465 in Berlin) due 8/15, 11/15, 2/15, & 5/15 
Eight Payments--make eight payments of $159 (or $209 in Berlin) due the first class of each month September-April

*Additional siblings receive a 20% tuition discount (older and younger siblings attend family closing time for free).  
*Lessons in Berlin are an additional $12.50 per lesson.

2024-2025 Class Times: 
If you have graduated Books 1 & 2 of the Musikgarten curriculum, please check with us for class times.
Tuition:$1,260 or $1,710 per year
Materials:$150 (includes Recital fees)
Total:Varies by location and payment option

Music Makers: At the Piano Year 3 (Graduate of Piano 2)
60 minutes per week; 32 or 36 weeks per year
Year 3 builds on the concepts and skills developed in the first two years with the following additions:
--more complicated bass accompaniment patterns
--more duet and ensemble pieces
--sight-reading games
--12-bar blues improvisation
--more advanced scales, key signatures, and time signatures
--Hanon technique studies
--Many new composers, styles, and forms, including a historical timeline

Upon completion of Year 3, students are enthusiastically invited to transition into private piano lessons at the Late Elementary/Early Intermediate level!

Students attend the first 55 minutes independently, with parents and siblings joining during the last 5 minutes each week. 

Yearly tuition of $1,410 ($1,860 in Berlin) includes 36 lessons (32 lessons if making 8 payments), which are held weekly during the school year with eligible make-up lessons completed in the summer on a flexible schedule. Up to 5 make-up lessons are available upon request ONLY with 24 hours' advance notice of your absence.  Tuition fee includes all materials (books, games, and music tracks distributed at appropriate times throughout the year) plus participation in the Costume, Holiday, & Spring Recitals.

Maximum class size: 4 students

Payment options:

One Payment (check or cash only)--pay the whole year in advance by 9/1 and receive 5% of total tuition as a materials credit
Four Payments--make four payments of $353 (or $465 in Berlin) due 8/15, 11/15, 2/15, & 5/15
Eight Payments--make eight payments of $159 (or $209 in Berlin) due the first class of each month September-April

*Additional siblings receive a 20% tuition discount (older and younger siblings attend family closing time for free).  
*Lessons in Berlin are an additional $12.50 per lesson.

2024-2025 Class Times: 
If you have graduated Books 1-4 of the Musikgarten curriculum, please check with us for class times.
Tuition:$1,260 or $1,710 per year
Materials:$150 (includes Recital fees)
Total:Varies by location and payment option

Homeschool Musical Theatre Troupe (8-13 years)
60 minutes per week for 28 weeks

This class meets once a week for a variety of songs, skits, musical games, improvisation games, vocal exploration activities, acting skill builders, and plays.  We have two major performances each year which may include kids' musicals, revues, and/or plays.  There are non-speaking parts available for those children who wish to only participate in group numbers. We also may plan smaller performances in the local area throughout the year, such as holiday events, retirement communities, and veterans’ services.  A contribution toward the purchase of sheet music, accompaniments, scripts, props, and other performance materials is included in the yearly price, which includes 28 weekly classes.  When enrollment and schedule permits, two groups may be offered according to age.
Minimum class size: 10 students
Maximum class size: 20 students

2024-2025 Rehearsal Time:
Thursdays 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at Christ Methodist Church in Salisbury--prorated slots available
Our Spring show will begin rehearsals on March 20 with a delayed semester rate of $135.

Total:$330 per year; $165 per semester

Private Piano Lessons (10 years-Adult)
Varies depending on track chosen
We currently offer three options for private instruction: Virtual lessons, in-person lessons, or Hybrid lessons (mostly virtual with in-person once a month). 

Private piano lessons are offered on a space-available basis.  In addition to high quality instruction primarily based on the Faber Piano Adventures series, we hold several optional public recitals each year.  Mrs. Upton is also an Honor Roll member of the National Guild of Piano Teachers and offers students the opportunity to participate in the annual Guild Auditions, as well as the KITS National Music Theory Honor Roll.  Students enrolled in Achievement tracks of study are also invited to participate in the highly acclaimed Royal Conservatory of Music Certificate Program, a national standardized adjudication and assessment system for music students, in which Mrs. Upton holds four levels of certification and her students regularly receive First Class Honors and State Awards:

Individual private lessons are scheduled primarily on weekday afternoons and weeknights.  Please contact us for availability, as slots typically stay filled.

Note:  For children under age 10, we highly recommend the Music Makers: At the Keyboard class, but please contact us if you would like to discuss the possibility of private lessons.

Lesson Tracks*:
Beginner/Hobbyist--30 minutes per lesson, up to 5 make-up lessons scheduled each school year ONLY with 24 hours' advance notice of your absence; eligible make-up lessons not completed during the school year may be finished in the summer on a flexible schedule; students may participate in Guild Auditions up to District Level, KITS Theory program up to Level 2, Costume Recital, Holiday Recital, and Spring Recital.
Delmar, Salisbury, and Virtual Tuition: One Payment $1,450 (40 lessons); Four Payments $328 (36 lessons); Eight Payments $146 (32 lessons)
Berlin Tuition: One Payment $1,950 (40 lessons); Four Payments $440 (36 lessons); Eight Payments $196 (32 lessons)
Elementary Achievement--45 minutes per lesson, up to 5 make-up lessons scheduled each school year ONLY with 24 hours' notice of your absence; eligible make-up lessons not completed during the school year may be finished in the summer on a flexible schedule; students may participate in Guild Auditions at any level, KITS Theory program at any level, RCMCP assessments up to Level 3, Costume Recital, Holiday Recital, Celebration of the Great Composers Recital, and Spring Recital. 
Delmar, Salisbury, and Virtual Tuition: One Payment $1,850 (40 lessons); Four Payments $418 (36 lessons); Eight Payments $186 (32 lessons)
Berlin Tuition: One Payment $2,350 (40 lessons); Four Payments $530 (36 lessons); Eight Payments $236 (32 lessons)
Intermediate Achievement--60 minutes per lesson, up to 5 make-up lessons scheduled each school year ONLY with 24 hours' notice of your absence; eligible make-up lessons not completed during the school year may be finished in the summer on a flexible schedule; students may participate in Guild Auditions at any level, KITS Theory Program at any level, RCMCP assessments up to Level 8, Costume Recital, Holiday Recital, Celebration of the Great Composers Recital, and Spring Recital. 
Delmar, Salisbury, and Virtual Tuition: One Payment $2,450 (40 lessons); Four Payments $553 (36 lessons); Eight Payments $246 (32 lessons)
Berlin Tuition: One Payment $2,950 (40 lessons); Four Payments $665 (36 lessons); Eight Payments $296 (32 lessons)
Vocal Add-on Option-- Extra time devoted to voice study added onto the piano lesson each week; students may participate in RCMCP assessments in Voice and are invited to perform vocal pieces at recitals if desired.  Tuition depends upon length of add-on time.
Sibling Discount--Additional siblings receive a 20% tuition discount.

*Tuition includes recitals but not books/materials or participation fees for Guild, KITS, or RCMCP.  Tuition for lessons held in Berlin is an additional $12.50 per lesson.

Payment Options:
One Payment (check or cash)--includes 40 weeks; pay the whole year in advance by the first lesson of September and receive a materials credit equal to 5% of your tuition; if you pay online, the processing fee will be deducted from your credit.
Four Payments
--includes 36 weeks; make four equal payments (8/15, 11/15, 2/15, & 5/15). All four payments must be made in full to hold your slot.
Eight Payments--includes 32 weeks; make 8 equal payments due by the first lesson of each month from September through April.  All eight payments must be made in full to hold your slot.
Summer Add-On Option: If you finish all your lessons early, you may choose to pay for additional lessons over the summer.

Lesson times are offered on a space-available basis. Please contact us for availability.
Tuition:Varies depending on track chosen

Private Voice Lessons (6 years-Adult)
Varies depending on track chosen
We currently offer three options for private instruction: Virtual lessons, in-person lessons, or Hybrid lessons (mostly virtual with in-person once a month). 

Private voice lessons are offered on a space-available basis. In addition to high quality instruction rooted in the bel canto tradition, we hold several optional public recitals each year.  Mrs. Susan also teaches the Full Voice curriculum for young children and students without a musical background. Students enrolled in Achievement tracks of study are invited to participate in the highly acclaimed Royal Conservatory of Music Certificate Program, a national standardized adjudication and assessment system for music students in which Mrs. Susan's vocal students have consistently won the State Award (1st place in MD) and Northeast Regional Gold Medal for their categories and Mrs. Susan holds four levels of certification: Students may also choose to participate in the KITS National Music Theory Honor Roll program.  

Individual private lessons are scheduled primarily on weekday afternoons and weeknights. Please contact us for availability, as slots typically stay filled. 

Note: Please be aware that Mrs. Susan feels strongly that the majority of today's commercial vocal music overtaxes young voices.  Her voice lessons for children and teens typically include vocalizing/warm-up exercises, sight-singing practice, folk songs, age-appropriate show tunes and Disney songs, and other repertoire included in the Certificate Program syllabus.

Lesson Tracks*:
Beginner/Hobbyist--30 minutes per lesson, up to 5 make-up lessons scheduled each school year ONLY with 24 hours' advance notice of your absence; eligible make-up lessons not completed during the school year may be finished in the summer on a flexible schedule; students may participate in Guild Auditions up to District Level, KITS Theory program up to Level 2, Costume Recital, Holiday Recital, and Spring Recital.
Delmar, Salisbury, and Virtual Tuition: One Payment $1,450 (40 lessons); Four Payments $328 (36 lessons); Eight Payments $146 (32 lessons)
Berlin Tuition: One Payment $1,950 (40 lessons); Four Payments $440 (36 lessons); Eight Payments $196 (32 lessons)
Elementary Achievement--45 minutes per lesson, up to 5 make-up lessons scheduled each school year ONLY with 24 hours' notice of your absence; eligible make-up lessons not completed during the school year may be finished in the summer on a flexible schedule; students may participate in Guild Auditions at any level, KITS Theory program at any level, RCMCP assessments up to Level 3, Costume Recital, Holiday Recital, Celebration of the Great Composers Recital, and Spring Recital. 
Delmar, Salisbury, and Virtual Tuition: One Payment $1,850 (40 lessons); Four Payments $418 (36 lessons); Eight Payments $186 (32 lessons)
Berlin Tuition: One Payment $2,350 (40 lessons); Four Payments $530 (36 lessons); Eight Payments $236 (32 lessons)
Intermediate Achievement--60 minutes per lesson, up to 5 make-up lessons scheduled each school year ONLY with 24 hours' notice of your absence; eligible make-up lessons not completed during the school year may be finished in the summer on a flexible schedule; students may participate in Guild Auditions at any level, KITS Theory Program at any level, RCMCP assessments up to Level 8, Costume Recital, Holiday Recital, Celebration of the Great Composers Recital, and Spring Recital. 
Delmar, Salisbury, and Virtual Tuition: One Payment $2,450 (40 lessons); Four Payments $553 (36 lessons); Eight Payments $246 (32 lessons)
Berlin Tuition: One Payment $2,950 (40 lessons); Four Payments $665 (36 lessons); Eight Payments $296 (32 lessons)
Vocal Add-on Option-- Extra time devoted to voice study added onto the piano lesson each week; students may participate in RCMCP assessments in Voice and are invited to perform vocal pieces at recitals if desired.  Tuition depends upon length of add-on time.
Sibling Discount--Additional siblings receive a 20% tuition discount.

*Tuition includes recitals but not books/materials or participation fees for Guild, KITS, or RCMCP.  Tuition for lessons held in Berlin is an additional $12.50 per lesson.

Payment Options:
One Payment (check or cash)--includes 40 weeks; pay the whole year in advance by the first lesson of September and receive a materials credit equal to 5% of your tuition; if you pay online, the processing fee will be deducted from your credit.
Four Payments
--includes 36 weeks; make four equal payments (8/15, 11/15, 2/15, & 5/15). All four payments must be made in full to hold your slot.
Eight Payments--includes 32 weeks; make 8 equal payments due by the first lesson of each month from September through April.  All eight payments must be made in full to hold your slot.
Summer Add-On Option: If you finish all your lessons early, you may choose to pay for additional lessons over the summer.

Lesson times are offered on a space-available basis. Please contact us for availability.
Tuition:Varies depending on track chosen

Purchase a Drum
High-quality wooden drum with natural skin.  Practice your rhythm skills and drumming activities at home!

Instrument Kit 1
Purchase an individual kit for home playing, as well as greater personal safety during class!  Includes: 2 jingles, 2 pair of rhythm sticks, 2 scarves, 1 pair of finger cymbals, and cloth bag.

Instrument Kit 2
Purchase an individual kit for home playing, as well as greater personal safety during class!  Includes: 2 jingles, 2 pair of rhythm sticks, 2 scarves, 1 pair of finger cymbals, cloth bag, plus one drum (10", natural wood and skin).

Instrument Kit 3
Purchase an individual kit for home playing, as well as greater personal safety during class!  Includes: 2 jingles, 2 pair of rhythm sticks, 2 scarves, 1 pair of finger cymbals, 2 pair grooved sticks, 1 pair sandblocks, 2 wood rattles, 1 bean bag, cloth bag, and 1 drum (10", natural wood and skin).